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It is an integral part of our philosophy at SIGEL that we run our business sustainably and with an eye to the future. As a company, we live out this principle and rely on business partners with a similar approach.

Table of contents

SIGEL code of conduct Go there
Internal reporting channel Go there
Sustainable economic activity Go there
Certified health management Go there
Corporate ethics Go there

The SIGEL code of conduct

As a family business of long-standing tradition that operates internationally, SIGEL enjoys an excellent reputation with its business partners, employees, and in the public eye. It is important to us to maintain this reputation. That is why we value integrity and have high standards when it comes to doing business honestly, ethically and in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. As a business and as an employer, we are aware that we have a big responsibility: towards the area around the premises on which we manufacture our products, the environment whose resources we use, the customers that we want to win over with our performance and service on a daily basis, and the numerous partners that support us. Last but not least, we have a responsibility towards our staff, without whose ideas and drive our success would not be possible.


The aim of this law is to protect so-called whistleblowers, who have obtained information about abuses or violations of laws or regulations in the course of their professional activities or in advance, and who wish to report them through a secure channel, anonymously and without fear of reprisal.

SIGEL has implemented the otris software AG whistleblower system as its internal reporting channel.

If you wish to support SIGEL by disclosing or providing a tip-off about possible misconduct, you are welcome to do so through this medium.

Go to the internal reporting channel →

Sustainable economic activity

At SIGEL, sustainable economic activity means giving equal weight to all elements of the sustainability principle for all corporate decisions. We want to help to safeguard employment and income in the long term through continual growth, economic success and future-oriented corporate management, combined with environmentally friendly working methods.

Products from sustainable, responsibly managed forests
Sustainability FSC PEFC

Products from sustainable, responsibly managed forests

The Forest Stewardship Council seal identifies products made of wood from ecological, socially responsible and economically sound forest management that ensures a long-term future for this particular raw material.

Climate-neutral printing

Climate change is a central theme in today's society. SIGEL takes its responsibilities seriously and offsets the carbon emissions that arise during the printing process, even though they are very low. SIGEL pledges a firm commitment to climate protection.

Climate-neutral logistics

SIGEL supports DHL's GoGreen programme for the shipment of its goods. This guarantees the offset of carbon emissions incurred during transport through backing various climate protection projects.

Using raw materials sparingly

It is of fundamental importance at SIGEL that valuable resources are used in an environmentally friendly way. SIGEL works with the town council of Donau-Ries and other cooperating businesses on "Ökoprofit", an ecological project to protect natural resources, while achieving cost benefits at the same time.
Certified health management
SIGEL mit dem TOP-Gesundheitsmanagement Award 2010 ausgezeichnet

Certified health management

SIGEL takes responsibility for the health of its employees. Occupational health management is an integral part of our culture. In 2010, SIGEL won the TOP Health Management award and was also given the highest certification level - gold - by the Bavarian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Women for occupational health management.

Commitment to corporate ethics
As a signatory of the German paper, office supplies and stationery industry's code of honour, SIGEL is committed to fair corporate trade and to compliance with competition law.

Ethics in Business
SIGEL mit dem Preis Ethics in Business 2006 ausgezeichnet

Ethics in Business

Ethics in Business means ecologically sustainable economic activity, the efficient use of resources, giving employees a say and equal opportunities. Our ethical responsibility also extends to cooperation with suppliers who likewise attach great importance to social standards. Therefore we were awarded the Ethics in Business prize in 2006.

Cooperation with certified companies

Social Agreement is decisive for SIGEL when it comes to cooperation with suppliers. This ensures that these companies also produce under humanitarian and ecologically responsible conditions.

Donations for people in need

Both the company and the staff are committed to social and societal issues. The proceeds of appeals initiated by SIGEL have recently been used to support numerous international and local projects: the SOS Children's Villages, the German Bone Marrow Donor Database, and schools, kindergartens and non-profit institutions in the local region profit from the social commitment of SIGEL and its staff.